Lebara Customer service

Find information about Lebara Customer service. It's easy to find phone numbers, opening hours and reviews for Lebara customer service and support.

All phones:

0870 075 5588

From Lebara mobile:



9AM - 8PM


9AM - 8PM


9AM - 8PM


9AM - 8PM


9AM - 8PM


9am - 6pm


9AM - 6PM

Your rating for: Lebara Customer service

Other people's rating: Lebara Customer service

Rating: 3.6 Total: 23 votes

Reviews for: Lebara Customer service (1)


1 of 10

2016-04-29 17:22

stuart cuthbert

having recently become a lebara customer i have to say i am disgusted at the customer service i have received. From m y phone i am unable to ring any numbers with the prefix 07399, on speaking to customer service i discovered the person i was talking to had not a clue as to what was wrong, refered me to ee and put the phone down. ee do not deal with these problems they told me, as lebara only rents their aerials.

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